LEDES Error: R266 - LINE_ITEM_TAX_RATE invalid

Tom Scott
Tom Scott
  • Updated

The error message:
R266 - "LINE_ITEM_TAX_RATE invalid."

This error occurs when the LINE_ITEM_TAX_RATE provided in the invoice is invalid. The system requires a numerical value representing the tax rate, which must be in the correct format and added to the system by your client (just like tax jurisdiction country and tax type).

Brightflag support can not add tax-related details, only the client in question has the authority to do so, as these need to correlate with the client's accounts payable system to ensure payment.

Possible Causes

  • The LINE_ITEM_TAX_RATE is not a valid decimal value.
  • The value entered is outside the acceptable range (0.00 to 1.00; for example, a 9% rate should be entered as 0.09)
  • The client will have approved rates to select from, you can see these in the PDF upload via the steps here 

Troubleshooting the Issue

Step 1: Check the Tax Rate Value

  • Ensure that the LINE_ITEM_TAX_RATE is a numerical value.
  • Confirm that the tax rate falls within the range of 0.00 to 1.00.
  • Make sure you are using the approved rate for the client.

How to Fix

Step 1: Find out available tax rates configured by your client as per the article here and if a desired rate is missing, contact your client, who can configure any new values if needed.

Step 2: Correct The Tax Rate

  1. Open the invoice in your LEDES generator software/system.
  2. Locate the LINE_ITEM_TAX_RATE field and enter a valid decimal value approved by the client.

Step 3: Save Your Changes

Step 4: Reupload your file

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