LEDES Error: BF124 - Law firm user does not have access to matter referenced in the LEDES invoice.

Tom Scott
Tom Scott
  • Updated

The error message:
BF124 - "Law firm user does not have access to matter referenced in the LEDES invoice."

This error occurs when a law firm user attempts to upload a LEDES invoice that references a matter they do not have access to. The system restricts uploads to ensure only authorized users can process invoices for specific matters.

Possible Causes

  • The law firm user has not been granted access to the matter referenced in the invoice.
  • The matter reference (matterRef) is incorrect or does not exist in the system.

Troubleshooting the Issue

Step 1: Verify User Access

  • Check if the law firm user has been granted the necessary permissions for the referenced matter.
  • Confirm the user’s role and access level within the organization.

Tip: Consult with the vendor admin at your firm to verify user access and permissions. If no vendor admin is currently assigned to your firm, you need to request your client to upgrade your permissions to Vendor Admin. Brightflag Support cannot upgrade or change user permissions.

How to Fix

Step 1: Request Access to the Matter

  1. If the user does not have access, submit a request to the client admin to grant the necessary permissions for the referenced matter.

Step 2: Re-upload the Invoice

  • Once access has been granted, the law firm user can attempt to upload the LEDES invoice again, ensuring that the correct matterRef is used.

LEDES Errors

  • Error BF111 - No Invoices Uploaded: Indicates no invoices have been uploaded.
    • Note: Resolving BF115 typically resolves BF111 as well.

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