LEDES Error: BF102 - Invalid Filename Error

Tom Scott
Tom Scott
  • Updated

Overview of the Issue

The error message:
BF102 - "Invalid filename."

This error occurs when the file you are attempting to upload has a filename that contains unsupported characters. For security reasons, only specific characters are allowed in filenames.

Permitted Characters:

  • A-Z (uppercase letters)
  • a-z (lowercase letters)
  • 0-9 (numbers)
  • Spaces (' ')
  • Hyphens ('-')
  • Underscores ('_')
  • Dots ('.')
  • Curved brackets/parentheses ('()')
  • Ampersands ('&')
  • Percent signs ('%')

If your filename contains characters outside of this list, the system will reject the file.

Troubleshooting the Issue

Step 1: Check and Correct the Filename

  • Review the filename and ensure it only contains the allowed characters listed above.
  • Remove any unsupported characters such as @, #, $, !, or other symbols that aren't permitted.

Tip: Rename the file using a combination of letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, underscores, or any of the allowed special characters.

How to Fix

Step 1: Rename the File

  • Modify the filename to remove any unsupported characters.
  • Ensure that the new filename complies with the system’s security guidelines.

Step 2: Re-upload the Corrected File

  • After renaming the file, attempt to re-upload it to the system.

Error BF111 - No Invoices Uploaded

Note: Resolving BF102 typically resolves BF111 as well.

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