LEDES Error: R225 - Invoice '00000' Line Item '1', LINE_ITEM_TAX_TYPE does not exist.

Micheál McArdle
Micheál McArdle
  • Updated


  • BF225 - Invoice '0000000' Line Item '1', LINE_ITEM_TAX_TYPE does not exist. 
  • BF111 - No invoices have been uploaded. Please see if there is an issue with the file

When attempting to upload, resubmit, or amend a LEDES invoice in Brightflag, you may encounter specific error codes. These typically indicate issues with the data format or content within your file. Below are common error codes and steps you can take to resolve them.

Error BF225 - "Invoice '000000' Line Item '1', LINE_ITEM_TAX_TYPE does not exist."

Cause: This error suggests that the field labeled LINE_ITEM_TAX_TYPE is either missing or incorrectly formatted in your LEDES file. To fix this:

  1. Open your LEDES file and locate the LINE_ITEM_TAX_TYPE field for the invoice and line item mentioned in the error message.
  2. Correct any missing or incorrect data in this field based on the LEDES standard.
  3. If additional columns are present, remove any unnecessary data.
  4. After making the necessary changes, save the file and attempt to re-upload the invoice.

Error BF111 - "No invoices have been uploaded. Please see if there is an issue with the file."

Cause: This error occurs when Brightflag cannot process the invoice due to an issue with the file itself, such as missing or improperly formatted data.

Steps to Fix:

  1. Check that your file is in the correct LEDES format (typically 98B or another supported format) and is not corrupt.
  2. Review the Line_Item_Tax_Rate and Line_Item_Tax_Type columns in your data.
    • These columns should be filled with valid tax rates and types that are recognized by Brightflag.
  3. Ensure the tax information entered matches the options available in the Brightflag portal.

Viewing Available Tax Types and Rates in Brightflag:

If you're unsure which tax types or rates are supported:

  1. Navigate to Menu > Invoices > Upload Invoices

  2. Click on submit invoices in PDF instead. to upload a PDF from your desktop. This can be a dummy PDF file.

  3. Once the PDF has been uploaded, use the Matter Search bar to select the matter that the invoice relates to.

  4. When asked, Is this a resubmitted invoice?, select No to continue. Select Hourly Fees or Agreed Fixed Fee.

  5. Next, scroll down to the tax rates section and select the Jurisdiction to which you are billing, which will auto-populate the Type field.

  6. All tax types and rates configured for that jurisdiction will appear in the corresponding dropdown fields.

Missing Tax Types or Rates:

If the tax type or rate for your jurisdiction is missing in the portal:

  1. Contact your client's Admin team.
  2. Request that they add the appropriate tax type or rate to the Brightflag portal.
  3. Once the missing data is added, re-upload your LEDES file. The error should be resolved.

By following these steps, you can correct the data in your LEDES file and successfully upload or resubmit your invoices in Brightflag.

These instructions clarify the error codes, provide specific steps for resolution, and offer guidance on what to do if your jurisdiction’s tax information is not available.

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