How to Upload a PDF Fixed Fee Invoice in Brightflag

Micheál McArdle
Micheál McArdle
  • Updated

Watch the video guide or follow the steps below to upload and submit a PDF invoice.

Steps to Upload and Submit a PDF Invoice

  1. Navigate to Menu > Invoices > Upload PDF.

  2. Upload the PDF:

    • Click Choose File to upload the PDF invoice from your computer.
    • Once uploaded, the invoice will preview on the left side of your screen.
  3. Select the Relevant Matter:

    • Use the Matter Search bar to choose the correct matter.
    • Ensure this field is not left blank as the invoice can only be submitted to one matter.

⚠️ Important

You can only submit the invoice to one matter. Ensure that the correct matter is selected before proceeding.

  1. Indicate if It's a New or Resubmitted Invoice:

  2. Choose the Agreed Fixed Fee:

    • Select Agreed Fixed Fee as the billing type.
  3. Enter the Invoice Number:

    • Enter the Invoice Number exactly as it appears on the PDF to avoid rejection.
  4. Select the Currency:

    • Ensure the currency matches the one displayed on the PDF. Each invoice should use only one currency.
  5. Input Billing Period Dates:

    • Enter the Billing Period Start and End Dates that align with the narrative lines.
    • Make sure the invoice covers only one month.
  6. Set the Invoice Date:

    • The Invoice Date must match the date on the PDF invoice.

⚠️ Warning

Invoices that cover more than one month or use multiple currencies will be rejected. Ensure the details match the PDF before submission.

  1. Add Agreed Fixed Fee Details:

    • Click the + icon next to the fixed fee heading.
    • Enter the Description and Fee, excluding any tax, discounts, or expenses.
    • If necessary, click the + icon again to add more fixed fee amounts.
  2. Add Expenses:

    • Click the + icon next to the expense section to add any relevant expenses.
  3. Enter Discount Information:

    • Choose to enter either a Discount Total or a Discount %.
    • If no discount applies, enter 0.
  4. Input the Total Tax Amount:

    • For guidance on tax codes and rates, click here.
  5. Verify Invoice Total:

    • The Invoice TOTAL will auto-calculate based on your entries.
    • Ensure the total matches the amount on the PDF. If there's a discrepancy, review and correct the previous entries.

💡 Tip

If the invoice total doesn’t match, double-check the currency, dates, and amounts for accuracy.

  1. Optional: Add a Note for Your Client:

    • Add a note that will be visible to your client during their review.
  2. Submit the Invoice:

    • Click Submit Invoice.
    • Confirm by clicking Submit in the pop-up window.
  3. Final Confirmation:

    • On the confirmation page, tick the box beside the invoice(s) you're submitting.
    • Click Submit Selected Invoices.

Important Notes

⚠️ Important

PDF invoices can include either an itemized hourly breakdown or an agreed fixed fee. Brightflag does not accept invoices that combine both hourly and fixed fees; they must be submitted as separate invoices.

Field Character Limits

Field Character Limit
Agreed Fixed Fee description 16,777,215 characters
Additional flat fee description 16,777,215 characters
Expense description 1,024 characters
Note 2,001 characters

Troubleshooting Tips

💡 Tip

  • Double-check your entries: Ensure the currency, invoice number, and dates match exactly as they appear on the PDF.
  • Mismatch in totals? Revisit the previous entries to confirm all fields are correctly filled.

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