I Can't Find an Invoice

Micheál McArdle
Micheál McArdle
  • Updated

If you’re having trouble locating an invoice in Brightflag, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Access Level Restrictions
  2. Invoice Uploaded but Not Submitted

Follow the steps below to identify and resolve the issue.

1. Access Level Restrictions

The invoices visible to you depend on your access level:

  • Standard User: Can only view invoices they have personally uploaded.
  • Office Admin: Can view invoices uploaded by all users in their office.
  • Vendor Admin: Has visibility over all invoices for the law firm, across all offices and users.

💡 Tip: If you’re a Standard User and need to view an invoice uploaded by a colleague, ask them to share the invoice with you.

How to Share an Invoice

  1. Navigate to Menu > Invoices > View Invoices.
  2. Locate the invoice using the Search field.
  3. Click the Actions button next to the invoice.
  4. In the dropdown, select Share Invoice.
  5. Begin typing the user’s email address and select it from the list.
  6. Confirm by clicking Share Invoice.


2. Invoice Uploaded but Not Submitted

An invoice may have been uploaded but not yet submitted. Follow these steps to check:

  1. Navigate to Menu > Invoices > Upload PDF or LEDES.
  2. Click on View Uploaded LEDES/PDF Invoices.
  3. You’ll be redirected to the confirmation page, where uploaded invoices are listed.
  4. Select the relevant invoices and click Submit Selected Invoices in the bottom-right corner.

📝 Note: Only the user who originally uploaded the invoice can submit it. If you didn’t start the process, you’ll need to ask the colleague who did. The invoice will only be visible in their account.

Additional Tip

While Brightflag supports PDF submissions, using LEDES files can:

  • Improve accuracy.
  • Minimize errors.
  • Accelerate the approval process.

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