How to Submit/Update Timekeeper Rates

Micheál McArdle
Micheál McArdle
  • Updated

This article will guide you through the process of submitting timekeeper rates in bulk using an Excel template. Please make sure you follow the steps carefully to avoid formatting issues and ensure successful submission.

Steps for Bulk Submitting Timekeeper Rates

Step 1: Download the Excel Template

  1. Navigate to Menu > Timekeepers.
  2. Click Bulk Submit.
  3. Click Download Excel Template to get the necessary file.
    Screen Shot 2021-07-07 at 12.33.46 PM.png

Step 2: Fill Out the Excel Template

Please enter the required details into the downloaded template without altering the formatting. If copying and pasting values from another spreadsheet, ensure you paste only the values.

  • Timekeeper ID: A unique identifier, typically a number or initials set by you, the firm submitting invoices.
  • Role: The role name, such as lawyer or paralegal.
  • Rate: For example, 1000.00.
  • Currency: Use the 3-letter ISO code (e.g., USD).
  • Effective Date: The date in either format: yyyy-mm-dd or dd/mm/yyyy.
  • Years of Experience: This should be a numeric value.

Tip: Double-check that the values you input match the required format to avoid errors during submission.

Step 3: Upload and Submit the File

  1. Navigate to Menu > Timekeepers.
  2. Click Bulk Submit in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Upload your completed Excel file.
  4. Click Submit.

Important Notes

  • After uploading, your client must approve the submitted rates before any invoices can be processed.
  • If rates have been pending approval for an extended period, you should contact your client directly for follow-up.

Note: Brightflag support cannot approve rates on behalf of clients. Please contact your client for rate approval inquiries.

Common Troubleshooting Tips

  • Formatting Issues: If the system rejects your file, ensure that the template format has not been altered, especially if you've copied and pasted data. Use the "Paste Values Only" option to avoid transferring unwanted formatting.

  • Pending Approvals: If rates are pending too long, please let your client know to speed up the approval process.

Additional Resources

For more detailed information, you may find the following articles helpful:

Video Guide

A video guide on how to bulk-submit timekeepers.

By following the outlined steps, you can efficiently submit your timekeeper rates. If you have any problems or need any more help, please refer to the troubleshooting tips or consult the related help articles.

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