How to Submit Accruals in Bulk

Ciara Clooney
Ciara Clooney
  • Updated

You must be either a matter participant or a Vendor Office Admin/Vendor Admin user to submit accruals.

Skip to 2:50 in the following video guide for bulk Accruals submission steps:

1. Go to Menu > Accruals.

2. Click on Bulk Submit at the top right corner of the screen.


3. Download the bulk submission template.


4. The downloaded spreadsheet will be pre-populated with active matters. Complete the required fields in columns F (Prior Periods Unbilled) and G (Current Accrual Period Unbilled). Optionally, you can add a comment in column H for the client's review. Please don't change the column headings.

5. Save the Excel file to your desktop and return to the platform.

6. Upload your file and click Submit.


7. A pop-up notification will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen for a few seconds, confirming the successful submission of your accruals. The status column will also update to Submitted for the values you uploaded.


8. You can amend your accrual amounts until the deadline by repeating the process. After the deadline, no further additions or edits to accruals can be made in Brightflag.



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