How to Submit a Budget Request in Bulk

Ciara Clooney
Ciara Clooney
  • Updated

Q: How do I start uploading a budget?

  1. Navigate to Menu > Matter Budget Requests.
  2. Click on Upload Budgets in the top right corner.
  3. Select your Budget Type: Choose between Monthly or Quarterly.
  4. Click Download Excel Template. This will download a template containing a list of all the matters you can access.

Q: How do I fill out the Excel template?


  • Edit the following fields as needed:
    • Year: If you need to submit a budget that spans multiple years, submit the budget for the first year then download a new budget template for the next year. 
    • Quarterly/Monthly Fees: Enter values only for the current or future quarters. You cannot submit budgets for past quarters.
    • Quarterly/Monthly Fees Expenses: Fill in as necessary.
    • Quarterly/Monthly Fees Comments: This field is optional. Use it to explain any changes in the budget from your previous request.


  • Do not change:
    • Column names
    • Matter Ref
    • Matter Name
    • Client Matter ID
    • Currency
    • Submitted By

Q: How do I upload the filled-out template?

  1. Go back to Brightflag and click Upload Budgets.
  2. Select Choose File and upload your saved template.
  3. Click Upload at the bottom right corner.

Q: What if there’s an error with my upload?

  • If an error is shown: It will specify the issue.
  • If no specific error is shown: The problem might be with the file format or field names. In this case, download a new template and try again. This can be also caused by leaving some of the fields empty, removing the 0s that were populated in the template so leaving them in will fix it.



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